We welcome you as a permanent Loyal customer at EYE FASHION Optics and we offer you the finest ultimate services.
For that always make sure:

Make sure you get your purchase invoice to be provided in case of replacement or refund and after-sales services.
Review the electronic payment receipt before completing the purchase.
Ensure that your purchases are valid on receipt and before the shipping and delivery representative leaves.
Ask and learn about the methods of use, product care methods and usage guidelines.
The replacement and refund policy is the replacement and refund policy in accordance with the consumer protection authority's laws and regulations as follows:
Replacement or refund of products shall be made within 14 days of the date of purchase invoice if there is an industry defect in the product or does not comply with the specifications on the site at the time of purchase.
The products should be in full condition and validity at the time of receipt and your receipt of the product from the shipping representative and no objection to the status of the product is implicit approval of the validity of the product and there is no defect.
Do not use the product and it is determined that the use of the product is not used by it by presenting it to our technical committee.
Submit your purchase invoice.
Any total or partial financial values are refunded in ...
Products will be refunded in case of replacement or refund by:
» Delivered at the nearest branch of the company to you.
» Deliver edited to the shipping company representative in which case you will be charged for shipping.
» The possibility of replacement or recovery through the company's branches with the same previous mechanisms.

We apologize for accepting the refund or replacement of products in the following cases

If the products are used or the product status changes from the time of purchase and receipt.
If a prescription is performed with medical lenses on the glasses.
If more than 14 days have passed since the date of purchase.